This is a draft lessons learned paper on the Liberian GEMAP (the Governance and Economic Management Assistance Program,) drafted by Rob Krech, Chris Gabelle and Matt Chessen. It is currently a work in progress.
Rob Krech was the primary interlocutor for the World Bank in Liberia on GEMAP issues. Rob currently works for FIAS in Washington.
Chris Gabelle was a principal drafter of the GEMAP agreement. He was the primary interlocutor for EC/DFID in Liberia on GEMAP issues. Chris currently works for DFID in Sierra Leone.
Matt Chessen was  a principal drafter of the GEMAP agreement. He was the primary interlocutor for the US Embassy and Chaired the Techical Team from Sept 2005 to November 2006. Matt is currently in training before departure to Baghdad in 2008.
Below are also links to other GEMAP-related links and papers of interest: